Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bonobo Stay The Same Black Sands Andreya Triana

 Bonobo 'Black Sands' vocals featuring Andreya Triana

Bonobo, the stage name of Simon Green is a British musician, producer and DJ. Bonobo uses a wide variety of samples in his music combined with heavy, often complex basslines. His music generally develops linearly - with new elements such as basslines or percussion coming in one after the other. In Days to Come, he mixes this sonic background with the clean yet distinctive vocals of Andreya Triana & Bajka, who often uses harmony to build up a multifaceted sound.

 Over the last couple of years, Bonobo has become one of the premier artists on the Ninja Tune imprint and certainly one of the most listened to, with over 16 million plays recorded on LastFM. His combination of superb live shows and studio wizardry means that he is now perfectly placed to push on into a yet bigger league. With 'Black Sands', Bonobo has made the record to achieve it.

Green’s first release came on Luis’ label, Tru Thoughts, when his track “Terrapin” was included on the compilation “When Shapes Join Together” in 1999. His debut album, “Animal Magic” followed the next year, completely self-produced and largely self-played, too. Hailed as one of the “new downtempo pioneers,” Green found himself attracting the attention of other labels and eventually signed to Ninja Tune.

Andreya Triana